Looking For an Effective FFL Logbook and Reporting Solution?

“We enter 1000 transactions a day in Easy Bound Book. With this volume, every minute counts, and with Easy Bound Book we are easily saving several hours a week”
Carmen – Matrix Aerospace
Easy Bound Book® Lite does the heavy lifting.
Move off your manual bound book or spreadsheet and move on with the easiest yet effective, electronic FFL logbook around.
The ideal solution to ensure your A&D transactions are recorded correctly and easily accessible.
Increase your productivity. Put Easy Bound Book Lite to work for you, covering all your ATF compliance and reporting needs.
The Easy Bound Book Lite Dashboard displays the critical information you need to make informed decisions.
- Built-in Alerts – Receive an alert when:
- Your A&D transactions deadline for completion is near.
- A multi-gun form is needed.
- Print a copy of your bound book or convert it to a PDF and send it electronically.
OPTIONAL Features:
- Integrated Easy e4473
- NICS Integration
Easy Bound Book® Lite uses a secure domestic cloud-based server, has unlimited record capacity, and is user-friendly.
Easy Bound Book Lite Features and Reports
ATF Compliance
Fully ATF Compliant for Ruling 2016-1, 2016-3, 2011-1, & 2021R-05F |
Automated Backup Emailed Daily* |
Secure Domestic Cloud Based Server |
A&D Transactions
“Undo” Function for Acquisition & Disposition Errors |
Edited A&D Records Maintain a Full Audit Trail |
Export Data From Bound Book to Excel |
EZCheck Button – Use for Acquisitions, Dispositions, Vendors and Customers |
Filter FFL Log Book by Firearm Type, Manufacturer, Model or Caliber |
Generate Serial Number Range for Acquisitions and Dispositions |
Data Input – Scan Barcodes or Manually |
Item Card Includes Special ATF Identification Fields |
Quick Glimpse of Open Acquisitions |
Separate Gunsmith Log |
Sort/Filter Acquisitions & Dispositions |
Track NFA Item |
Track Pre-1968 Non-Serialized Firearms |
Unlimited Records Capacity |
User Notes Field for All Transactions |
Auto Creates & Completes ATF Form 3310.4 to Report Multiple Sale of Pistols and Revolvers (Multi-gun) |
Dashboard Shows Status of Bound Book Transactions |
Built-in Alerts
Alert – Late Acquisition or Disposition Entry |
Dashboard – View of Critical Information & Time-Sensitive Tasks |
Alert – Multi-Gun |
Bound Book Can Be Printed, Saved as a PDF, Downloaded to Excel for ATF or Your Own Use |
ATF Acquisition and Disposition Bound Book |
Inventory Report – Open Acquisitions |
LEO and ATF Trace Requests Can Be Printed or Emailed |
NFA Acquisitions and Dispositions |
Print User Defined Bound Book E.G. by; Manufacturer, Model, Caliber, As of Date, Etc. |
Integrated Easy e4473 Add-on – Click HERE to learn more |
NICS Integration |
Let Easy Bound Book Lite Do Your Heavy Lifting?
See Product in Action Photos
Cloud Based – Pricing Includes
Software, Training, Upgrades, Software Maintenance, and Help Desk Support.
$30 per month – per named user
if paid annually by credit card
$39 per month – per named user
if paid monthly by credit card
Manufacturer or Importer
$50 per month – per named user
if paid annually by credit card
$59 per month – per named user
if paid monthly by credit card
Setup & End User Training
- Easy Bound Book Lite Software
- Users
- Company Information
- Customers, Vendors, & Items
- Manufacturers, Model, Caliber, & Type
- Backup procedures
- FFL administration
A&D Transactions
- Acquisitions: Vendor, trade in and gunsmith
- Dispositions: Customer, return to vendor, return to customer, destroy and stolen
- Bound Book edits and corrections
- Bound Book production
- LEO and ATF Trace Requests
- Lookups
Help Desk Support
- Helpdesk Support is provided for questions related to the use of the software based on the training provided in the Easy Bound Book course.
- Support tools include Website Submissions; Email; Telephone; and Remote Support via the Internet
- Live support hours are 8am – 4:30pm Central Time
- After hours emergency support is available at afterhours rates
- Support for hardware and operating system problems is available at an additional charge
Required Hardware, Operating System and other Requirements
- Compatible Browser – Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox
- High Speed Internet access
- Backup device (external hard drive, CD/DVD writer or flash drive)
- Printer