How will the GunBroker Add-on improve my bottom line?

Business Automation Specialists (BASM) developed the integration at the request of M+M, Inc., one of our Easy Bound Book ERP customers.
How does it work?
- An order is received
- A Sales Order is created for the customer
- The inventory item is marked as sold; it’s that easy.
Easy Bound Book ERP identifies the customer and Sales Order originated from EBB ERP automatically updates the customer information if needed.
- Orders are held until the FFL shipping information is added to the Sales Order.
- A status update is sent to the customer as their order moves through the system.
- The system automatically updates the FFL when the order is entered.
Easy Bound Book sends tracking information to the auction winner through
**If the order is unable to ship due to payment issues or incomplete FFL information, users request a refund of their auction fees.
We can create an Interface for YOU too!
Does your business model include working with other online companies?
We’d be happy to discuss the opportunity to develop an interface and increase revenue streams for you.